Page 296 - Revista do Ministério Público Nº 156
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Resumos : Abstracts
Very brief annotation to Judgment No. 2/2015
of the Supreme Court of Justice
(DR no. 35 – SERIES I of 2015-02-19 – p. 967-982) Breach of trust against Social Security – term count – statute of limitations of criminal proceedings
José M. Damião da Cunha
Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University in O’Porto – Centre for Law Research and Studies
The author criticizes Supreme Court Judgment No 2/2015, concluding that the settled case-law should have been in exactly the opposite direction.
Plastic, the environmental plague
Carla Amado Gomes
Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Lisbon University Guest Professor at the Faculty of Law
of the Portuguese Catholic University in O’Porto
The data on plastic pollution on land and in the sea that have come to light in the past years are worrisome and have been giving rise to national and inter- national opinions with a view to controlling it. The purpose of this article is to explain the two main strategies proposed by the UN and the European Union by reflecting on the efficiency of their proposals.

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